General Information
110 N Jackson Street
Litchfield, IL 62056
Phone: 217-324-2876
Owner(s) / Manager(s)
Jeanette Ackerman - Administrator
Date Business was Established
April of 1999
Description of Services, Products, etc.
Hearts United is a thrift store and Christian-based ministry, providing emergency assistance to residents within the Litchfield School District through direct assistance, education, and resources. They aid in helping and bringing awareness to homelessness in our area in many different ways. The thrift store ranges from art work, furniture, kids’ toys, dishes, accessories, clothing and so much more, all of which are donated items.
Historical or Other Unique Items of Interest
Pictured Left to Right are: Chamber Executive Director Lauren Plummer, Jeanie Grove – Hearts United Store Manager, Evelyn Schuette – Hearts United Board President, and Jeanette Ackerman – Hearts United Administrator.
The Litchfield Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize Hearts United Association as their February Business of the Month. A business that was established in April of 1999, Hearts United has been a vital resource for the Litchfield Community for many years and continues to do so. Hearts United is a thrift store and Christian-based ministry, providing emergency assistance to residents within the Litchfield School District through direct assistance, education, and resources. They aid in helping and bringing awareness to homelessness in our area in many different ways. The thrift store ranges from art work, furniture, kids’ toys, dishes, accessories, clothing and so much more, all of which are donated items. “Litchfield is blessed to have a business and resource like Hearts United in our community,” says Executive Director, Lauren Plummer. “They are always ready to help in any way they can and it’s so great to see the ways in which the community gives to them and how they give back to the community. It’s definitely a dynamic that isn’t found in other towns and communities, so we are very fortunate to have them for our people.” If you want to learn more about Hearts United Associations or how to get involved, visit them on Facebook at Hearts United, online at, or in-store at 110 N Jackson Street Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.